Thursday, May 21, 2009

I don't think that worked just look up "Manifesto" by Mary Ann Caws in google books.

Manifesto Book,M1

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Manifesto Brief

So yeah... You've all spent time with your typeface. Set it large on a poster. Researched its origin. Seen it action. Formed your own opinion of it. Given all this information you now have, you are to research the convention of Manifesto. You are then to choose a manifesto that best fits the knowledge you have of your typeface. You must then present the manifesto set in your typeface. The format of your manifesto is entirely up to you (poster, booklet, projection, model, sculpture, painting, photograph... etc) but should be directly linked to the intention of the manifesto. You must complete this project (along with your previous projects) for mid year submission on June 5.

This is an image from the Serpentine Gallery Manifesto Marathon held in October last year.
Also take a look at this article Manifesto Mania by Ellen and Julia Lupton, its has a good definition of what a manifesto is and has some interesting links through to some design related manifestos.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Here is a link to a letterpress blog, typoretum.
There are some good youtube clips on it.

Link the pictures? What a fun game!

MM Paris Design for Bjorks album 'Vespertine'

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Brief

For your next brief you will all be given a song title. You are then to typeset the lyrics to your song in the typeface you were assigned last week. You are to compose the text on an A3 piece of paper then blow it up to A0 size at Microfilm Digital Print on Victoria Street. You are to consider the look and personality of your typeface as well as the intent and feeling associated with the lyrical and musical content of the song. Consider tone, weight, colour, positive and negative space when composing your A3 page. Also be aware that the balance of the composition may change when you blow it up to A0. The final works will be Black and White.

Your song titles are…

Grace – Futura  vs  ‘My Generation’ – The Who

Sophie – Caslon  vs  ‘Fight The Power’ – Public Enemy

Johanna – Helvetica  vs  ‘That’s Alright Mama’ – Elvis

Rosalee – Bodoni  vs  ‘Chocolate Jesus’ – Tom Waits

Melissa – Sabon  vs  ‘Isis’ – Bob Dylan

Han – Garamond  vs  ‘Cut Your Hair’ – Pavement

Rachael – Univers  vs  ‘Roadrunner’ – The Modern Lovers

Ella – Gill Sans  vs  ‘State Trooper’ – Bruce Springsteen

Edwin – Baskerville  vs  ‘Runaround Sue’ – Dion

Chloe – Avant Garde  vs  ‘Sign O’ The Times’ – Prince


Your finished A0 compositions are to be completed by Tuesday 12 May and displayed on the wall of the Studio. They are to remain up for a week.




Hi everyone!  Here is the link to the Helvetica Film Trailer for those of you who are interested!

Stay tuned for new brief...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hi everyone, just incase some are not aware you can access eye magazine over the net at Issue 50 has an interesting feature article 'The Meaning of Type,' discussing typefaces right from the 16th century through to today's. There are probably many other helpful articles as well...