Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tim Burton

Tim Burton is one of my favourite directors, he has a dark and quriky style of film making, being best known for films such as Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Sweeny Todd Sweeney. He also made one of my favourite movies Big Fish that we can watch!

At the moment he is working on Alice in Wonderland, an adaptation of the Lewis Carroll novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. It is to be released in March next year and will be avaliable in 3D apparently. I loved the books and the animated film so I am very excited to see perhaps a darker version of this crazy story. You can read about it on this site if you want to know more

Tim Burton's webpage is also well worth taking a look at, you direct around a wee man and get to see some cool sketches he has done for his movies

See you at camp everyone!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Movie Watching

Hey i hope you are all checking out the films in the film festival this year, i personally thought the 'Incredibly Strange' section looked interesting but perhaps we can all pick a movie together and go see it as a class. Perhaps if you see a movie that you like write a comment on the blog and everyone can check it out. In the above section i saw a zombie movie called 'Dead Snow' that looked rather amusing if you like that type of film.

Dead Snow

Also i think we should have a movie night next week on Monday night at say 6.30?
How does that suit everyone?

Films to Watch!

Considering the theme is movies I went and rented out some of my favourite ones for everyone to watch together if they like. Yay!
My top 5 (in no particular order)
1. Big Fish
2. The Life Aquatic
3. Pan's Labyrinth
4. Planet Terror
5. Donnie Darko

I also have some others but you will hear about those soon!
I thought we could show these in the enchanted forest perhaps in the afternoons and next week in the evening we could have a movie night...
I will keep you posted with times.


One of the best things I think about going to the movies is getting to see the previews before the beginning of the feature film.
Coraline, an animated stop-motion film directed by Henry Selick (who also directed 'The Nightmare Before Christmas') was previewed and I have to say it looked pretty exciting and it is in 3D! Wow. It is about a young girl that finds her way into a parallel universe that is exciting and beautiful, but as in all movies of this kind nothing is as it seems.
This preview was almost more exciting than Harry Potter (the movie I went to see) and I wasn't even watching it in 3D.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Film Festival

The Film Festival starts in Christchurch tomorrow and runs until the 16th August, in light of this I feel it is appropriate to have our own film theme this week! Keep checking the blog to see what is happening...

Here is the website for those who are interested in finding out more on the festival
It has heaps of information on where to get tickets and what films are showing etc.

Also if you like this poster here is the address of the guy who illustrated it
He does some pretty cool drawings so you should check it out.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bright stupid confetti...

Is an arts blog covering a broad range of mediums (Design, painting, illustration, photography, sculpture, film, performance, music...). A new batch of images and videos come out every Wednesday and there's some interesting stuff on there if you're bored or lacking inspiration!

Word Clouds

Hey guys, heard about this cool website today for making word clouds. kinda cool i thought..

Here's a movie Chloe might like...

Hey Ella, I found this on the M/M Paris website (as part of their 2009 catalogue download). It might be worth looking at in relation to developing a series of images—this is the Q in the typeface they have designed.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

On second thoughts... More IdN for Jo

Oh. Found it... not that hard it seems.
It's Strange Attractors Design, you'll see what i mean with the layering of type etc

IdN Issue for Jo
Hey Jo, there's some stuff you may be interested in this issue of IdN Magazine, it is the issue dedicated to typography, one of the artists (cant see exactly which one due to it being an online version and very small haha) is working in a style which relates really well to yours, the names are there i was just too lay to search through the wide world of the internet to find which one it is right now.
Goodluck :-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hey Chloe I found some images of an artist making explosions on this blog and thought you might find them cool/helpful the link's

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hi everyone, tomorrow night (Tuesday) there are a couple of art openings which look interesting. Jo Langford (above) and Nathan Pohio are showing at Jonathan Smart Gallery (160 High Street, just across from Alices video store) and there is also an opening at a small project space called paintlust (just around the corner from Jonathans at 129B Manchester Street).

Term Three

Hi Guys. Hope you've all had a good break. There will be a studio morning tea at 9.30am Monday morning (yes that's tomorrow, sorry for the late notice). You are all required to attend, as we are welcoming Sarah Jane into the studio for two weeks. You will also be picking up a letter that informs you of your indicative grade following mid-year submission. We will organise to have individual meetings regarding your progress in the course thus far towards the end of the week. You'll also need to get the room back in working order in preparation for your meeting Tuesday with Sarah Jane.
I am unfortunately sick at the moment and won't be in til Wednesday. So will see you all then.


Saturday, July 11, 2009



woops... :)

hey i have lectures wednesdays and thursdays 4-5pm and tute 11-12pm thurs. all good with me to be tues anytime? is anyone taking the arth205??

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New meeting time

Hey so it looks like we are all pretty busy when we normally have our meetings so perhaps we should make it 2 till 4 on Tuesdays or else after 5? I'm guessing Aaron's only free day for us is then so we should probably stick to that day, I have a lecture from 4 til 5 though. Does that sound like a plan? or should we make it early morning?
Hey hope everyones enjoyed the break!  
My lectures are Tuesday 1-2 and Friday 1-2
Thanks  :-) 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I have lectures monday 1-2, tuesday 12-1 and wed 1-2.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hi Everyone, Its Nice That is a good design blog to check out, especially their series of Its Nice That Talks (held in the loft in the picture). Also, 'The Cool School; How LA Learned to Love Modern Art' is a documentary that has just come out which is definitely worth watching (Alice's video store has it).

There is an opening tomorrow night (Tuesday) at the Physics Room which looks interesting.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hey everyone,

Next semester I have lectures 12-1 Mon, Tues & Thurs, then 2-3 Wed & Thurs, labs @ 11-1 on Wednesdays and tutorials 1-2 on Tuesdays. Hmm might be easier to say when I'm free: Mornings (until 12) apart from Wed, after 1pm Mon, after 2pm Tues and after 3pm Wed & Thurs.

Hope you're all having a great break, see ya when I get back from Bangladesh!

Ooh and I agree with Chole, Donnie Darko is a must-see, very strange but cool - it leaves you with a funny feeling