Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hey guys,

Didn't get much of a chance to post something up yesterday, so you should expect two posts to be up today!! I made a visit to the Physics Room yesterday arvo, and they had some really neat works there by Georgie Hill. I thought the works were really delicate in appearance which is why I quite liked them. She works with watercolours and pencil and is quite impressive to look at closely...

Here's the link that explains more about them and lets you see the work for yourselves;

I grabed a leaflet that I was attracted to by the picture on the front on my way out too, there is a show opening at Coca on the 1st of September called "Approapriation" by Elizabeth Moyle. However there's nothing up on the Coca website just to find out a little more, so I'll post the flyer on the notice board in the design room.. :)

Not long til Holidays.... :D


1 comment:

  1. Hey Mel

    Hope you're feeling better. Georgie Hill is the partner of Eddie Clemens who is the artist coming to talk to the Design studio next term. They are both living in Dunedin this year while Eddie is the Francis Hodgkins Fellow at the University of Otago.
