Tuesday, August 4, 2009



  1. Hey Jo, have you checked out the Bruce Mau books Life Style and S,M,L,XL?

    Do you think New Zealander's and Canadians share a similar global conscience? Design aesthetic?

  2. I have requested them from the Library so will try pick them up today hopefully.

    I think being so far away, on the other side of the world, we are somewhat removed and with NZ being so small we probably tend to think we aren't the ones needing to take key responsibility. I think as a whole NZ is quite apathetic. However as people are educated more changes will probably start to happen. The Global Poverty Project has recently been launched in NZ which is part of the UN End Poverty by 2015 campaign (http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0906/S00041.htm), and a lot of NZers are trying to do there best with keeping NZ green etc, so I think there are good changes happening.

  3. The global poverty is having a public event in Christchurch.

    Thursday 27th August: Christchurch 7pm, Majestic Theatre, Cnr Manchester & Lichfield St.
    RSVP: rsvp.christchurch@globalpovertyproject.com

    I heard something from the inside that Hugh Jackman (Wolverine!!) might be attending. (not sure at the christchurch one...)
